For those who have read any of my recent articles, it is no mystery what my views are regarding most of the parts of the proposed health care overhaul bill. I want reform just as badly as the President but I want a different kind of reform and, throughout these posts, have been making part of that case. However, before proceeding, I must first declare how utterly wrong and contemptible many of the techniques are that are being used either to sell or thwart the proposed legislation.
I do not support the derogatory label of “Obamacare” or the likening of this legislation to that of the Nazis. I am disappointed in those who would attend a public forum and use it to turn it into a shouting match. I am disappointed at those who would deface property, resort to calling names and make crazy accusations about our government with such things as death squads and fascism. They have deceived themselves into thinking that the desired end justifies the means. And importantly, it seems as though they have failed to remember that Americans are generally good people and that our Representatives generally try to do good and to help our country – in both Parties.
Conversely, the techniques of not being honest about the reasons, alternative solutions, true costs, and possible outcomes of this proposed legislation is dishonest, sinister and wrong. They too have fooled themselves into thinking that the desired end justifies the means.
They both err in that you cannot separate the end from the means – the means become the end. The means being used on both sides will not lead us any closer to a society of peace, unity and brotherly love. In fact, they lead us further away from the very thing we seek to create.
This is still America and we all still love our Country – no matter what side of the isle we are on. The primary difference is not in what we want to accomplish but in how we wish to accomplish it. Just as you cannot separate the means from the end in the legislation being discussed, you cannot separate the means from the ends in the techniques that are being used to thwart or pass it.
Respect, honesty, reason and building on common ground must be the means as it is the only end we truly desire. The current tactics will only further divide the ground we are on and cause us to no longer be One and Indivisible.
Those exalted and noble means are what we must expect from ourselves and one another – on all sides of this argument. That is the only way we will actually become anything better as a result of this debate. We want to build a better society; the place that begins is within each one of us and in the choice of means we use to get there. In this debate and all others, let us all make the choice to take the road less traveled – that of respect, honesty, reason and building on common ground – as that is the one that makes the difference.
We do need to be kind and good to each other. On that point you are absolutely right. There are many commentators out there who make money on causing, widening, or maintaining the divide in this country. I do not condone their means, even if I agree with the ends they promote.
At the same time, I mourn the loss of common sense from those on the government-run health care bandwagon. I do not think there is anything wrong with vehemently opposing those ideas. I do not see a problem with comparing government take-over of any industry with socialism, communism, or fascism, for that is a big part of how they started. We don't want to go down that road and history teaches many lessons about how to avoid it.
Perhaps I should moderate my language a little in my conversations and assertions. I can refrain from calling President Obama a fascist or socialist while saying his policy proposals lean fascist or socialist. Is it saying the same thing? Maybe. But it might open it up for discussion more than just "That Fascist Obama!"
I hope I didn't misunderstand what you are saying here. I will always call a spade a spade, though, no matter whose feathers it ruffles. At the same time, I don't have to do it in a rude, inflammatory way.
Your comment reminds me of the wise words of my mission president, "Remember, common sense isn't so common." I have found his words to be verified multiple times. There isn't much common sense any more. Things have been turned upside down - some of that change has been very good, but not all of it.
In my opinion, socialism is one thing - but I believe that communism and fascism are two different things that don't entirely align themselves with what we are seeing. The following does not come from Webster's Dictionary but from my own understanding (which may be totally off). Communism does not believe at all in the free market. 100% of the economy is owned by the people. The government being their representative body and caretaker, they oversee 100% of the economy and plan all production of goods and distribution of services.
Socialism believes in government manipulation of the free market when it believes that the people are being abused by it or when it believes that it is not fairly distributing the wealth it creates.
Fascism is socialism with a militaristic rule and approach. Additionally, when you ask people, "What is the first thing that comes to your mind when I say the word 'Fascism?'" For any person who went to High School the likely answer is: Nazi Germany.
Seeing how America does believe in the free market and is nothing close to Nazi Germany, I believe that comparing us to Communism or Fascism is wrong.
Nevertheless, this clearly is socialism and it is right and just to compare the two. Socialism is still immoral and wrong and does not create the ends intended. It eventually weakens every country that espouses it morally, financially, civically and politically. It must be defeated.
By all indications our President is Socialist and it is not wrong to call him so.
How we do things is every bit as important as what we do. This is something that most on both sides seem to have forgotten.
Your friend in Liberty - Ken
While I agree that Obama is a Socialist, my assertion is that Socialism is a means to a fascist or communist end. If a dictator is brutal enough and has enough military might at his command to carry out his tyranny, Socialism can quickly evolve or perhaps even be bypassed altogether. After all, communist Russia was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, yet it was clearly communist.
Fascism and Communism are branches on the same tree of statism. It is this statism that must be resisted no matter its manifestation or degree. The state does not know what is best for me or my family. Only God knows (and they try first to get Him out of the societal picture) and that is revealed directly to me as the steward and protector of that most important unit of all in society. Yet they insist that they are smarter than I am and therefore need to dictate to me how to raise my family and take care of the poor in my community -- all my stewardship. In reality, they really just want power and authority over others. Many, if not most of them, are so deceived that they actually believe their own lies. Such is the direction of our government, I fear.
The people of our country are in a very profound slumber. As in a dreaming state, things that actually make no sense at all seem to be perfectly logical and right. "Yes, why should not the government take care of the poor? It is immoral to let the poor suffer so the government is the natural caretaker (after all, it would greatly inconvenience me to take care of them myself.)" These arguments are actually voiced daily in the media, with the parenthetical unvoiced of course. Then, when people hear a lie loud enough and long enough, it becomes the truth to them, especially when it suits their selfish ends.
I do not wish to come down so hard on my own people, but we must wake up or we will be in dire straits and it will not take a long time. We are not Nazi Germany now, but it doesn't take long when the circumstances are favorable to such a development.
Ethan -
Thank you for your comments. I agree that they must all be opposed at all levels and in whatever forms they find themselves.
Each of them is destructive of the nation and the individual.
I am looking forward to being able to say to my children and grandchildren some day that we had a part in making America better and steering it in the proper course, in a most difficult hour of confusion where there were stalwarts on all sides and opposition in every direction. I want to look back and say that we made a difference.
Your brother in Liberty,