Do you believe that?
The goverment has the powers to enact laws that are necessary and proper to ensure that it can fulfill the responsibilities and powers delegated to it (Article 1 of the US Constitution).
Do you believe that?
The survival of the Government at the local, state and Federal levels is tied to the survival of the financial system. Without a functioning financial system public credit would be gone, the money system destroyed and the whole system of our country would be gone thus leaving our country open to foreign invasions, turmoil from within and a cessation of all public and therefore private services.
Do you agree with that?
If you believe these things then you should, in some way, support government intervention in the free market when it's lack of involvement would mean the destruction of the system that supports our government and therefore it would destroy our government as well.
If you believe that, then you must ask yourself, "What level of intervention then is necessary and proper?" Was and is the financial system at that level of risk where it required and requires the government's involvement to keep it from falling apart? Also, at what point does Government involvement increase the likelihood of its destruction?
We must do our research and answer that question for ourselves.