•7:51 PM
Nevertheless, one of those things that makes Republicans stay with the Republican Party is its professed belief in the traditional moral values of America. With that said, Renee asked the Governor, "And do you think Republicans should continue to focus so much on values issues like abortion and gay marriage since - especially now - and presumably in future years, when voters care so much about... economics?"
I was stunned. Did she really say that? Did she really ask if we should care so much about values when so many people care more about money? She did. The Governor did a great job responding. You can listen to it here: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=96945322
My answer is yes, we should still care. I care and I will never sell my values for "economics." I hope you don't either.
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Republican Party
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Ken, I stopped listening to NPR because of their blatant bias to the left wing. Good catch on Renee Montagne. She and Steve Inskeep make my skin crawl.
Sure love you Farmer!
This world and its (d)evolution of thought sure is predictable. I still believe in the people of this country and our ability to pull together in a crisis and stand on principle instead of resorting to "survival of the fittest" thinking. I pray I'm not wrong about this.
So good to hear from you. Thank you for commenting. Your comment is interesting to me and I agree. I believe in the goodness in us all as do you. Interestingly, one may be able to measure the evolution of man and civilization according to its understanding of principles and the de-evolution of society by their forgetting them. Take for instance the age of enlightenment - it was more than just scientific reasoning that brought society to a new level but an understanding of certain unalienable rights that are now enshrined in our Declaration of Independence and the founding documents of many other nations that brought us to this level. Compare that time period with the period before that - the Dark Ages. Although religion was stronger, spirituality, understanding and the practice of the principles we understand better today was not and humanity suffered.
As we forget certain vital Light and understanding, that Light which opened our eyes to greater peace and understanding will dim and along with it will our conviction to hold to certain principles.
I believe in the goodness of humanity but there is great opposition to that goodness. That opposition is usually found in the love of "economics" and the pursuit thereof rather than the pursuit of Light.
The two (economics and Light) are not mutually exclusive, but the love of "economics" and Light are. Where our collective hearts are is a measure of the direction collectively our nation is going. An indicator of that measure is the ballot box.