Author: Ken Coman
•7:15 PM
As a Latter-Day Saint, I believe that "governments were instituted of God for the benefit of man (D&C 134:1)." This scripture has helped shape my attitudes toward and my involvement in our government.

Governments Were Instituted of God

There is so much that is critically important about this declaration. It means that I don't believe that governments are the invention of man, but in fact, that God instituted them. Let me state up front that I don't believe that God's hand has been in the founding of all governments, but I do know that His hand has been in ours. His governments of old were Patriarchal through the great patriarchs such as Adam, Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. God governed through these men. Why? For the benefit of man. Later, we have record in the scriptures that God set up a government of judges with Moses at the head. These men were chosen by Moses who was chosen by God. Certainly God whispered to Moses which judges He had chosen. God once again governed through these men. Why? For the benefit of man. Later the people wanted a king to be like the other nations of the world. Who was it that chose the king? It was God through His servants the prophets. It was God who chose Saul and then David - anointing David and his line to be the kings of Israel forever and that the King of Kings would one day come through that line. The prophesies say that the Government would rest upon His shoulder. It was God who again ruled through those kings - when they were righteous. Why? For the benefit of man.

Regarding our own country, Benjamin Franklin stated during the Constitutional Convention: “God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel."

He also stated, “In the beginning of the contest with Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered… do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?”

Also, Alexander Hamilton said after the Constitutional Convention, "For my own part, I sincerely esteem it [the Constitution] a system which without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests."

These few examples illustrate scripturally how governments were in fact instituted by God in the beginning, as well as these quotes from our founders, how God still to this day is working to institute governments among men. Why? For the benefit of man.

Is it logical to say that God, who instituted our government, should have no place within it? Quite the contrary. It also means that since our government is by the people, that God has a place in our lives. Why? For the benefit of man. Our laws which are written by our representatives then should be laws that are in line with God's laws.

I believe that we are children of heavenly parents who love us and who desire to bless us and for us to be happy in this life. I therefore then have faith that their laws and guidance are principles that will make our lives better.

For the Benefit of Man

This also is a very powerful statement. We have to remember that "For the benefit of man" is from God's perspective. As one who knows that God lives, I have faith that what He asks of us is always for our ultimate good. I have known that in my life and know that my life will be a test of this very belief.

From His perspective, what is "for the good of man?" It is:

1. For His children to learn to Love Him with all of their heart, might mind and strength
2. To love their neighbor as themselves

Why? Because our purpose in this life has everything to do with the next. Also, that we might have an abundant life and be happy.

Our laws and government then should help facilitate these aims rather than hinder them.

John adams said: "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." He also stated on June 21, 1776 "Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People in a greater Measure, than they have it now, they may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty."

The principles of government are inseparably connected then with God's laws and when they are not the people suffer, freedom is abolished and society falls. This has been the sad experience of all governments that have removed God from the very governments He instituted and from their own lives. Thus will be our sad experience also if we do the same.


Knowing where our governments come from and why they are here can help us clearly discern between right and wrong as far as our laws and our relationship to the government are concerned. The laws of man should never conflict with the laws of God. Rather, the laws of man should always be in harmony with the laws of God.

Also, the true separation of church and state is not the alienation of God from government but rather keeping the state from establishing an official state religion - thus prohibiting the free exercise of other religious beliefs. We need to be a moral and a religious people. Standing up for those beliefs is not cramming them down another person's throat - but is just that - standing up for them and saying, "This is right and this is what I believe in." We have a right to do that. We have an obligation to that. Those who believe in God have not just been advised of that. We are under covenant to do that very thing and to wield the sword of justice in defense of truth and virtue - not the opposite. We have been commanded to be a light on a hill. If we fail to stand up for what is right and allow the laws of our land to become corrupted and changed according to the immoral, unjust or wrong choices of others, we will have - through our own blindness - caused the downfall of our nation. We also will have, through our own blindness, caused the eternal suffering of countless of God's children. By failing to take the side of God's law, we will have defeated the whole purpose of government as it will no longer be for the benefit of man.

It is not just good, it is not just important - it is critically vital that we who know and believe in God to let our light so shine before men that they, seeing our light, may be led to glorify God. Our children depend on it. Our nation depends on it. Our world depends on it. They depend on it - even those who want it some other way - even if they don't know it.
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On November 13, 2008 at 11:16 PM , Jeremy Peterson said...

We see from history that when man forgets God, He forgets man. The absence of divine assistance that follows turns the hearts of men back to their Creator.

The secular movement in America is an effort to erase from society the traditional importance and dependence we have previously placed on God. The "virtue" of secular society is the convolution of the very values that define traditional society.

This movement can only end in disaster for the two to three generations that follow this creed.