What is the featured article? "First lady's 'sneaky splurge." When I saw that I said to myself, "Who cares?"
Is there so much demand out there for "Michelle Obama Fashion" that there needs to be a Yahoo! search ready to go and a feature article about it and her $540 shoes?
Furthermore, does there really need to be a secondary article on "'Beautiful people' of the White House"?
My problem isn't that she paid $540 for her shoes. She can buy whatever pair of shoes she wants in my opinion. My problem is that we take so much interest in it that it is somehow worthy of that article. My problem is that we take so much concern with celebrities, fashion and beauty. My problem is that it really isn't anyone's business what shoes she buys and they are making it seem like it is somehow worthy of front page featured news. My problem is that we talk so much about other people and leave them no privacy - no simple respect as individual human beings. My problem is that we seem to use people for our own needs. My problem is that we would rather read about "Beautiful people of the White House" than applying our minds to find creative solutions to the problems facing our individual lives, communities, nation and world. My problem is that this article is merely one example of the hundreds or thousands of articles published today about what someone wore, what some celebrity did, what some famous person's child did, what some politician did, what we can do to lose 50 pounds, what we can do to look like this famous person...
My problem is that we seem to not be discovering the deep resevoir of power implanted within mankind for the best, nobelest and most saluatory purposes for the benefit of our brothers and sisters but instead seem to squander our time on selfish and, ultimately, unrewarding pursuits. Where much is given, much is required.
Can you only imagine what the collective power of our world's billions of people could do if they united together in the common cause of peace, harmony and plenty? Surely there are many things that must happen for this come to pass but this is one of them. Let us help to awaken the dormant and latent powers of good within ourselves and each other and not be distracted by the shallow and disrespectful.