•7:57 PM
Four years ago in exit polls when voters were asked, "What was the number one issue on your mind that influenced your vote?" This answer was given more than others: "Values."
So, here we are - the party of supposed family values - with a candidate who doesn't really represent those values.
How is it that a candidate who neglected his injured wife and children and cheated on them with the woman he is now married to can look at the republican party and say that he will represent them? How is it that a candidate with a history of gambling, anger, and financial impropriety can say he represents change? How is it that a candidate that has been a member of the congress with the lowest approval rating in history can say he is going to change the way Washington works when the way he works is the same as Washington's way? How is it that he is going to represent the Republican Party?
He can't - and you know what, he said he won't. He said it himself when he accepted the party nomination: "I don't work for a party." As much as I dislike the two-party system you have to wonder if his approach is anything near fixing it.
So, the republicans not only have a candidate that doesn't represent the only thing that won them the election four years ago, they have a candidate that won't represent them if he were elected.
I don't think we should jump on the Rush Limbaugh band wagon and say, "Well, he isn't who I would have voted for but we have to get behind him now and help him win." Just because he is the party's pick doesn't mean you have to support him. There are other choices. Supporting someone you don't want as president just to keep the other person out of office is just as bad. That is band aiding the problem - hiding it - rather than healing it. It keeps a broken system perpetually broken. Voting for someone you don't want won't fix it - it will keep it broken. Let your voice be heard - however you feel. If you love McCain campaign for him. If you love Obama - campaign for him. If you don't - let yor voice be heard and find someone you do love. Republicans and Democrats say if you vote for a third party you are throwing away your vote. I say if you vote for someone you don't want in office you have thrown away your vote.
Rightfully did he pick Governor Palin as his VP candidate - she seems to be many things he is not. She has become a true political star. I worry though that her stardom is a problem for Americans. The light shouldn't be on her - it should be on him. Republicans should remember that they are Americans before they are Republicans and that this man, although the republican choice for president, may not be the best one for America. We have the duty to find out and to vote our conscience.
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john mccain
presidential race
sarah palin
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I ask myself that same question every day. Are Barack Obama and John McCain the best this country can come up with for their president? I really doubt it.
The media, as you have said before, is about shaping government. They want a democrat in the White House, but if they can't achieve that, at least a republican. But a third party??? No way. That would depart from the power structure that exists and that just won't work. So they give all their attention to the candidates they want and unfortunately Americans, so often like sheep, follow their lead. I'm tired of it.
Rest assured that I am voting for who I think is best for our country, even though I'm writing him in. I can safely predict that a Repub or Demo will take the election, but I am not going to vote for somebody I do not believe in just because of that.